To be a church that awakens people to the reality of the working of the Holy Spirit, to where the gates of hell cannot prevail. (Matthew 16:18)
We are raising up believers who honour God's tangible presence, and cooperate with the working of His Power.
We are awakening God’s people to His fullness so that they can walk in it, to the point that it is no longer them living, it is Christ living through them.(Galatians 2:20)
We are raising up people who know God, and know His heart, who by the power of the Holy Ghost, from children to adult, make Him known to others.
We are creating a place (by the help of the Holy Spirit) where people can come and experience the fullness of God to the point that they are set free by coming anywhere near the building.
We see this church being sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit and flows with ease to His leading.
We will train people to be well equipped and raised up to the full measure of the stature of His likeness. (Ephesians 4:11-14)
We are a church that ministers life to the complete being, spirit, soul and body.
This church will display the love and compassion of God, so that when people enter into the church they may be able to say, "I have come home."
We are a church that awakens people to the Will of God for the hour so they can make it clear to others.
We are training the children of God to be a people that demonstrates the Goodness of God to the world.
We are raising people to be God's living epistle to the world, for all to see that He is alive and real and able to be experienced.
From the heart of the Pastor:
“I see us becoming a church that brings great refreshing to the souls of all people.”
“I see us becoming a source of blessing and support to other ministries in the area and around the world.”
“I see us training ministers in a bible school to become assistants to the ministry of the Holy Spirit.”
“ I see us being a source of satisfaction to the hungry, seeking, and knocking around the world in order to fulfill God’s purpose within them.”
“ I see us having bill boards around the area that will pierce the hearts of the people that read them.”
“ I see us having a large state -of - the - art facility, that is so breath taking that just the building alone will stir the hearts of many.”
“ I see us developing in such excellence of ministry that our practices will be the model of many ministries around the world.”
“ I see our worship services becoming so well known for ushering people into the Presence of God.”
“ I see us having a large worship team, sensitive and flowing with the Holy Ghost.”
“ I see us having a large facility for children’s ministry that will meet the needs of all ages.”
“ I see our Youth Group having an auditorium of their own and a separate game room/ snack bar.”
“ I see us having a well developed Young Adults ministry, that will not only satisfy their need for fellowship, but also will fulfill their spiritual needs as well.”
“I see the children and youth of this church being so impacted by God that they minister life to other’s everywhere they go.
“ I see us producing high quality, informative literature that expresses the various ministries of our church.”
“ I see us having television ministry that helps fulfill the ministry God has call us as a church to do.”
“ I see us being a large supporter of missions around the world, sending teams of mission workers yearly into the mission field.”
“ I see us as a church taking two major mission trips per year to different places in the world.”
“ I see us having a Holy Spirit developed discipleship program that will raise sound and spiritually strong workers for God’s kingdom.”
“ I see us being one of the leading ministries that will be used to strengthen ministers.”
“ I see us developing a large book, audio, and video ministry that will help meet the spiritual needs of people around the world.”
“ I see the people of the church being tremendous soul winners.
The vision keeps growing as we grow.